Webinar: Degrowth and the State

31.05.2024 12:00 - 13:00 | Online

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der EUC-Seminarreihe ‚Aim High, Degrow – Dialogues on Degrowth‘ der York University und wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden:

Session 5: Degrowth and the State will be a discussion on the role of the state in a degrowth future. What is the balance that degrowth proposes between localism and other levels of governance, including nation-states and the international level?

Speakers: Milena Buchs (Professor of Sustainable Welfare at the Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, UK) and Max Koch (Professor of Social Policy and Sustainability at Lund University)

Moderator: Stefan Kipfer (Professor at the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University)

Hier können Sie sich für das Webinar am 31. Mai von 12:00-13:00 Uhr anmelden.