Developing strategies for a good life
The Sufficiency Politics Map is a web-based development tool for civil society and governmental actors who wish to promote sufficiency. This tool helps you to design and implement applied projects, campaigns, strategy processes and political measures. The map guides you step by step through a complex political domain – you always stay on top of things and enjoy a synoptic view.
What this map offers:
- Orientation: getting a clear picture of the complex web of issues and actors relevant to sufficiency politics.
- Self-assessment: finding thematic and conceptual reference points for your specific sufficiency project.
- Inspiration: providing concrete inspiration for your conceptual and strategic work; the map offers exemplary approaches as well as advice and arguments for successful communication.
- Information: delivering important background information.
The map is based on the book “The Politics of Sufficiency – Making it easier to live the Good Life” (Schneidewind und Zahrnt 2013, free downlad here).
It encourages cooperation between environmentalists and other actors critical of economic growth, and it supports them on a conceptual and practical level. The map shall encourage them to discuss values, lifestyles and policies even more actively within society and to leverage successful approaches on a larger scale. Please find more background information here on the degrowth blog.
An introductory article about the current state and future perspectives of sufficiency politics as well as about the conceptual background of the map has appeared in Ökologisches Wirtschaften 3/2016 (only in German).
The map has been created by Dominik Zahrnt, (r)evolutionary ideas, and Angelika Zahrnt, honorary chairwoman of the BUND and IÖW-Fellow, in cooperation with the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW). The online version has been supported by the Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Forschung (Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research).
The authors and the IÖW publish the map of sufficiency politics on the Blog Postwachstum as a contribution to the 5th International Degrowth Conference 2016 in Budapest.
We are looking forward to your comments. Please send them to Dominik Zahrnt: